Rescue Squad
The Rensselaer Falls Volunteer Rescue Squad is a volunteer organization. The Rescue Squad was originally started as a first response arm of the Fire Department in 1989. In 2011 the Rescue Squad separated from the Fire Department and became its own 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation.
Phone: 315-344-8853 Fax: 315-344-7068 Address: 424 Rensselaer Street Rensselaer Falls, New York 13680 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 164 Rensselaer Falls, New York 13680 Contact us: Email Find us on Facebook! Elected Positions: EMS Captain - Scott Rivers EMS Asst. Captain - Naomi Drake Treasurer- Karen Katzman Secretary - James Blackburn Appointed Positions: Chaplain - James Blackburn |
Our current number of members includes the following positions: Advanced Life Support - 1 EMT-B - 4 Drivers- 3 We are always looking for new members, especially EMT's. If you have a desire to help your community and are willing to commit to training and answering calls then please contact us. *** As we continue to develop this page we will have membership applications available to download. Until then, please e-mail us at the address listed and we will be in touch with you. |